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Azalea flowers are ornamental flowers loved by many people and chosen by families during every Tet holiday and spring. To have a beautiful azalea pot, growers need to understand planting and care techniques to help the flower pot shine sparklingly.

Azalea is a native flower of Vietnam, used for ornamental purposes, has high economic value, and is popular with consumers. The tree is a woody and bushy tree, grows well and is one of the species of tree with brilliant flowers, very diverse in types and colors, mainly used for ornamental flowers, ornamental plants and some species. has medicinal effects.

Rhododendrons are grown in abundance in the North, on high rocky mountains with the bright red color of wild rhododendrons. Now the demand for azalea growing has increased, so more azalea trees are planted, pruned, and bent according to the preferences of flower hobbyists. Growing azalea is difficult, and taking care of azalea takes more effort. But admiring the brilliant and charming beauty of azalea pots will definitely make you satisfied.

Azalea flower, also known as camellia flower or pink mandrake, is one of the favorite ornamental flowers in many parts of the world because of its gentle beauty.

Full happiness is also the message that azalea sends to lovers and married couples. Azalea flowers are a symbol of love between couples, faithful love between husband and wife, and steadfast love. In China, azalea is a symbol of gentleness, gentleness and femininity.

During Tet, people often leave a few pots of azalea in the house to symbolize prosperity. Just pay a little attention to planting and care techniques, and azalea flower pots will bloom not only beautifully during Tet but also after Tet.

Techniques for planting and caring for azaleas during Tet season

Proper planting and care techniques will produce beautiful azalea flower pots.

Steps to grow azalea flowers

Choose breed

On the market today, Belgian azalea varieties are widely used. This is a variety of azalea with small trees, large flowers, and a wide variety of flowers. Some trees even have two colors. Planting methods can be sowing seeds, cuttings or grafting. The cutting and extraction method can produce finished products faster than the seeding method.

Planting land

The soil for Belgian azalea varieties is acidic, if planted in alkaline soil it can kill the plant. Soil for growing azaleas must ensure the following factors: Loose soil, drainage, ventilation, lots of humus, and enough fertilizer. A pH of about 4 – 5 is most suitable. To create the best soil for azalea plants, you should mix the soil with humus from the leaves of pine and pine trees.

A little note in the technique of growing azalea plants is the soil factor.

Choose a pot

Choose a pot that is balanced with the plant, a big pot will have a lot of soil and a lot of water. The pot has a large hole at the bottom and a wide mouth for quick evaporation and drainage. Based on the shape of the stem and canopy, decide on the planting pot. Rhododendrons are shallow growers, so it is better to choose a shallow pot rather than a tall one. When planting in a pot, you should use a pot with holes in the bottom, use a nylon mesh to line the bottom of the pot, then use some crushed bricks and gravel on top, about 2-3cm thick.

Fill the pot about 1/2 – 2/3 with soil, pay attention to leaving the roots free, then add more soil and gently compress with your hands. Repot when you see the roots growing out of the bottom of the pot, then change to a larger pot, combining is to replace the prepared soil as planting soil.

Planting techniques also require choosing the right type of pot.

Watering techniques for azalea plants

Rhododendron has a very strong root system so it is very afraid of drought and cannot stand being flooded for long. If there is too much drought or waterlogging, the plant will grow and develop poorly, with yellow leaves and drooping flowers. Therefore, it is necessary to base on weather conditions to have an appropriate irrigation regime. The best time to water is early morning or late afternoon. During the period of growth, buds, and flowers, the plant needs more watering. On dry days, spray a lot of water around leaves, flowers, pots and ground to increase air humidity.

Principle of watering: After planting and caring for the plant to sprout new buds, the soil on the pot surface should not be watered if it is not dry, but only moist enough. Every 10-15 days, water once with 10% diluted vinegar. Otherwise, use washed rice water or diluted sour bean water to water. Every 5 – 10 days, water with diluted solution once. Combined with watering iron sulfate diluted 0.5 – 1% once a month, the plant will not get yellow leaves. If there is no iron sulfate, you can also use rusty iron soaked in diluted water for watering.

Fertilizing techniques for azalea flowers

Rhododendron is not a voracious plant, so you need to be careful when fertilizing. If you fertilize too much or too concentrated, it will also affect the growth of the plant. To have large and beautiful flowers, you need to fertilize the right amount of fertilizer. The reasonable way to fertilize, according to the experience of gardeners, is: Apply little dry fertilizer, dilute water fertilizer.

Normally, only fertilize trees that are 2 years old or older. For 2-3 year old trees, only fertilize from late spring to early summer, applying diluted fertilizer every 10-15 days. For trees 4 years or older, fertilize dry fertilizer twice a year in spring and fall, and fertilize once in mid-June with P and K fertilizer. After June, stop fertilizing, until it fades and the tree grows branches. Only then can you fertilize with diluted fertilizer.

Some notes when fertilizing:

  • Do not fertilize too much in the summer to avoid yellowing and leaf loss.
  • If in summer, the plant grows normally and is entering the real growth stage, you can fertilize 1-2 times Ca3(PO4)2 + Ca(HPO3) to promote flower bud formation.
  • After each application, increase watering and loosening.
  • After winter there is no need to fertilize.

How to care for azalea flowers

  • Prune branches: Prune pest-infested branches, weak, dry branches, or thick growing branches combined with pruning to create a canopy so that the tree can grow and develop as desired. The time for pruning and shaping can be divided into two periods: the growing season and the resting period. Growing season: cutting tips, bending branches, adjusting thickness,…
  • Rest period: mainly cutting diseased and weak branches. Old and short branches should be cut to grow new branches.
  • Raising plants indoors: When displaying in the room, pay attention to keeping the place well-lit and ventilated. Every day, the flower pot must be moved outside and left overnight. During the flowering period, be careful not to water the flowers. The display time in the room should not be left for too long. Within about 1 month, the pot must be replaced and taken to the garden for care.

  • Adjust the flowering period: Flowering conditions (light and temperature): During the day > 27oC, at night > 18oC, then there will be many flowers. Flower buds also require lighting from 5-16 hours/day.
  • Differentiation of flower buds and blooms: Influenced by the characteristics of each species.
  • Treatment methods to get flowers to bloom early: Increase care to help new branches grow quickly. When the plant completes flower bud differentiation, start watering less, light lightly, lower the temperature, and ensure the soil is moderately moist…

Azalea is a beautiful flower variety, suitable for growing as an ornamental plant to create an outstanding and aesthetic space for the home. If you know how to plant and care for them, azalea plants can live for a long time.

Meaning of azalea flower

When talking about the meaning of azalea flowers, we cannot help but mention the story of this flower. An old story tells that, a long time ago, there was a couple who lived happily together in a small village. During the day, the husband often went into the deep forest to hunt and chop firewood, but one day, the husband left and never returned.

The wife kept waiting for her husband for 1 month, 2 months, then 3 months but she didn’t hear any news from him. One day, she decided to pack her bags and go into the deep forest to find her husband. But fate seemed to want to tease them. In the morning, as soon as the wife left, the husband returned in the afternoon, so they couldn’t see each other. The wife heard the story from the neighbors so she went back into the deep forest to look for her.

Speaking of the wife, she went into the forest looking for her husband day after day but could not find him. One day, she was exhausted and collapsed to death next to a rock. That place later grew a beautiful flower tree, every spring it gave off a fragrant scent. After his wife’s death, he met Tien Ong and immediately told him the story. After hearing this, Tien Ong immediately named this flower Do flower.

As for the husband, along the way, he kept calling his wife’s name, but after many days of not hearing any news, he collapsed from exhaustion right under that rock. The husband’s soul turns into a solitary bird, often singing every afternoon when dusk comes. Tien Ong felt sorry for the love of this couple and named that bird Quyen bird (read: Forget bird). Later, people wanted the couple to reunite happily, so they called that flower azalea.

The meaning of the azalea flower is to symbolize love between husband and wife, fidelity and loyalty. In China, azalea flowers are also considered a symbol of gentleness, gentleness and femininity. In addition to these two meanings, the azalea flower also has many other meanings.

In feng shui, azalea flowers also symbolize warmth, togetherness, ward off evil spirits, and bring luck to the homeowner. So on Lunar New Year and New Year, families love to plant this flower as a way to ward off bad luck and pray for good luck to everyone in the house.

Classification of azalea flowers

Today around the world, there are more than 100 varieties of azalea with many different colors that people choose to grow to decorate the landscape. Each color of azalea has its own beauty and symbolic meaning.

Azalea flowers are tubular, funnel-shaped, or bell-shaped and are often fragrant. The scent of azalea is described as an elegant and luxurious scent. Therefore, azalea flowers are often displayed on special occasions such as weddings, holidays, New Year… and are an important note in the luxury perfume industry.

The azalea plant is a type of shrub. The leaves of the azalea plant are smaller than the flowers, have a pointed and long shape. Leaves and flowers intertwine with each other, forming beautiful clouds of color.

For example, the purple-blue blue diamond azalea is popular in North America and Florida or the bright red “cecile” azalea is popular in Vietnam.

There are azalea trees that grow on low ground, trees that grow from 10-20 cm, and there are trees that grow up to 2 meters high. They come in a variety of flower colors, including pink, red, white, yellow and purple. Although most azalea species bloom in spring, there are also summer-blooming varieties that add color and charm to the garden.

The different colors of azalea flowers also have their own unique meanings.

  • Yellow azalea: Symbolizes family and friendship.
  • Purple and pink azalea: Symbolize joy, comfort, no worries or stress.
  • White azalea: Shows politeness, purity and restraint.
  • Red azalea: Represents love between couples, romantic and passionate love between husband and wife.

Besides, azalea flowers also have other meanings such as leaving to return, maintaining health, taking good care of everyone around, feminine beauty and intelligence, elegance and wealth, fragility or growing passion,…

You may not know: There is an American Rhododendron Association in the world. This is where a database system with information on more than 2,000 azalea species is operated. On an annual basis, this association selects several azalea species to be awarded the title of Azalea of ​​the Year. These azalea plants are the ones that are considered to offer the best value and are easy to care for in a variety of environments.

Uses of azalea flowers

In addition to decorating, beautifying the house and attracting luck, azalea flowers also have unexpected health benefits. In medicine, people can use azalea for the following reasons:

Azalea flowers can be used as medicine to regulate menstruation and treat rheumatism. However, it must be used according to your doctor’s instructions.

Rhododendron roots have the effect of preventing rheumatism, activating blood flow and stopping bleeding.

Rhododendron leaves are anti-itching, heat-clearing, detoxifying, swollen pimples, external bleeding, urticaria, etc.

  • Instructions on how to plant dahlias to bloom right on Tet
  • The technique for growing violets to bloom on Tet holiday is just a few simple steps
  • Techniques for growing Phalaenopsis orchids in pots


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