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Những lễ vật không thể thiếu khi cúng Rằm tháng giêng

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The full moon day of the first lunar month is one of the important days for Vietnamese people, requiring full preparation. So what offerings are needed to worship on the full moon day? Please refer to the following article.

The full moon day of the first lunar month, the first full moon day of the new year, according to ancient customs, is called: Tet Nguyen Tieu. On this day, Vietnamese people often go to pagodas and Buddha to pray for peace and health all year round. This is an important holiday of the year, so our ancestors had a saying: “Buddhist holidays all year round are not as good as the full moon day of the first month.”

Preparations for the Full Moon worshiping ceremony of the first month are always carefully prepared with two ceremonies: Buddha worshiping ceremony and Ancestor worshiping ceremony.

During this holiday, each Vietnamese family can offer vegetarian rice, incense, fruits, or salty offerings, chicken sticky rice, rice soup to respectfully offer to the ancestors.

Depending on economic conditions and customs, the full moon offerings of each family and each region may be different but all aim to show the respect and gratitude of children and grandchildren to their grandparents. ancestors, Buddhas and saints and pray for a year of peace and luck.

Indispensable offerings when worshiping on the full moon day of the first lunar month are incense, flowers and votive paper. (Illustration).

According to ancient beliefs, this is the right time to pray for peace throughout the year. Buddhists often worship on this day. Depending on your beliefs, there are Buddhist churches, Turkish churches, and God of Wealth churches. But it is indispensable to offer offerings to ancestors, to thank grandparents and parents for blessing their children and grandchildren and dispelling disasters for a new year.

Clean the altar

On the full moon day of the first lunar month, families often clean the altar. When doing this, be careful not to move the incense bowl. Before cleaning, light an incense stick to pray to the ancestors to clean the altar to prepare for the Full Moon worship ceremony in the first month. Cleaning needs to be careful and meticulous to avoid breaking objects and items on the altar.

When burning incense, according to Prof. Dr. Nguyen Chi Ben – former Director of the Vietnam National Institute of Culture and Arts, often burn incense in odd numbers, because odd numbers represent the negative part. For each incense bowl, you should only light 1 to 3 incense sticks.

Note that when burning incense, you need to dress neatly, do not wear shorts, shorts or sloppy clothes… Especially when praying, you need to be sincere, showing respect to the Buddhas and ancestors.

Full moon ceremony of the first month to worship Buddha

Many families still believe that the full moon day of the first month is a day to avoid killing, so they fast to pray for good luck and reduce drought for the whole year. Offerings are usually fruits, sticky rice sweet soup, bean dishes, and stir-fried soup without much flavoring added. Nowadays, many people make offerings to the Full Moon in the first month and add floating water cakes with the meaning of praying for everything to go smoothly, smoothly, and happily throughout the year.

Vegetarian meals range from 10, 12 to 25 dishes depending on the type. A special feature on the vegetarian tray is the presence of colors symbolizing the five elements. Red represents the fire element, green represents the wood element, black represents the earth element, white represents the water element, and yellow represents the metal element. Eating vegetarian rice is a way towards balance and peace in the soul.

Ancestor worship ceremony on the full moon day of the first month

On this day, of course, offerings cannot be ignored. Based on family conditions, the homeowner prepares the most suitable plan. We need to focus on seriousness and sincerity rather than preparing an offering tray.

For non-Buddhist families, the ancestral offering tray is often a savory tray, quite similar to the Tet feast. A savory meal usually has 4 bowls and 6 plates. For well-off families, they can have more. Set of 4 bowls including bamboo shoot bowl, squash bowl, vermicelli bowl, and sprouts bowl. 6 plates include chicken or pork, sausage or spring rolls, spring rolls can be replaced with a plate of stir-fry, pickles, a plate of sticky rice or banh chung and a bowl of dipping sauce.

The offering tray on the full moon day of the first lunar month must also have all the guests. The saltiness of the dipping sauce, the spiciness of the chili, the sourness of the pickled onion dish, the sweetness of the cake, all create a complete party, praying for peace, prosperity, and dispelling all the bad luck that may come in the future. new year. . .

Suggested gifts for Lunar New Year:

Salty offering tray

  • Boiled shoulder: 5 ounces.
  • Bamboo shoot soup: 1 bowl.
  • Mixed stir-fry: 1 plate.
  • Nem: 1 plate.
  • Stir-fried vegetables: 1 plate.
  • Pork sausage: 1 plate.
  • Gac sticky rice: 1 plate.
  • Fruit: 1 plate.
  • Other items: Betel and areca nuts, wine, candles, votive flower incense.

In particular, floating water cakes are indispensable in the offering tray. The meaning of eating floating cake on Tet is to pray that everything in the year goes smoothly and smoothly.

Vegetarian offering tray

In addition to the salty offering tray, some families also prepare a vegetarian offering tray to worship the full moon of the first lunar month. Dishes in the Buddha offering tray include:

  • Fruit.
  • Bean dishes.
  • Sticky rice.
  • Stir-fried soup has no flavoring.
  • Water floating cake.
  • Vegetarian meals range from 10, 12 to 25 dishes.

Pray for the full moon in January

Namo Amitabha Buddha!

Namo Amitabha Buddha!

Namo Amitabha Buddha!

– I bow to the nine heavens, the Buddhas of the ten directions, and the Buddhas of the ten directions.

– I respectfully bow to Hoang Thien Hau Tho, the Heavenly Venerates.

– I respectfully bow to the Thanh Hoang, Tho Dia, Tao Quan and the Venerable Ones.

– I respectfully bow to Cao Tang To Khao, Cao Tang To Sister, Thuc Ba De, Co Di, and my sisters in my family.

The owner of my trust (we) is: ……………………..

Live at: …………………….. ………………..

Today is the full moon day of the first lunar month every year… during the Nguyen Tieu period, believers sincerely repaired incense lamps and prepared offerings to the court.

We respectfully invite the Great Kings, the Earth Gods, the Apple Gods, the Five Directions, the Long Mach and the Gods of Wealth on this Chengdu Day. I pray that the saints will hear the invitation and come before the judge to witness the sincere enjoyment of the offerings.

We respectfully invite the Patriarchs, Patriarchs and the souls of paternal and maternal families…………. Listen to the prayers and invitations of your children and grandchildren, return to witness your sincerity and enjoy the gifts.

I respectfully invite the previous and current owners to enjoy the offerings and witness their sincere hearts to protect and bless our family with all good things. Four seasons without restrictions, eight hours of peace.

Namo Amitabha Buddha!

Namo Amitabha Buddha!

Namo Amitabha Buddha!

From what day should I worship the Full Moon of January?

Many people worship the Full Moon of the first month very early (from the 12th to the 13th day of the lunar calendar), some people worship in the morning, some people worship in the afternoon, but that’s because they don’t know when is the best time. to worship the full moon.

Unlike normal Tet days, Vietnamese people will worship the Full Moon of the first month on the full moon day, which is the 15th day of the first lunar month.

The reason for worshiping on the full moon day is because according to the concept, this is the brightest moon day of the year. At this time of moonrise, Buddha comes to bless all sentient beings. Pray sincerely, your wishes will be fulfilled, and you will have good luck and peace all year round.

The first full moon worshiping ceremony is best done in the early morning or noon.

For families who are too busy, they can arrange to worship the Full Moon of the first month on the 14th day of the lunar calendar. The worship time is not too mandatory, as long as it is before 7:00 p.m. on January 15.

Best time frame: Horse Hour (11 am – 1 pm), the most beautiful time is Horse Hour. People believe that this is the time when Buddha came to earth and will prove the sincerity of the homeowner.

When is Lunar New Year 2024?

This year there is an interesting coincidence: The 1st day of the Lunar New Year of the Rat is also the 1st day of February of the solar calendar. Therefore, the full moon day of the first month in the year of Giap Thin is February 24, 2024, on Saturday.

Note when worshiping the Full Moon of the first month

Do not use fake flowers and fruits: Many families use fake flowers and fruits to place on the altar to create a beautiful scene, because they have very eye-catching designs and can be used for a long time without worrying about damage or wilting. . However, you should not display fake flowers or fruits on the altar or in the offering tray, because worshiping must be with a pure mind. Why worship at home? You should use fresh flowers and fresh fruits to make offerings to God, Buddha, and ancestors. fairy.

Do not use fake vegetarian food: Many families avoid killing on the full moon day, so they often choose a vegetarian tray to offer to the Buddha’s altar, hoping for peace and luck for the family this year. a good job. However, homeowners should note that when making vegetarian offerings in January, they should make vegetarian offerings.

Do not burn a lot of votive paper: The focus of the full moon ceremony in the first month is to pray for a new year of peace, health, prosperity, and prosperity. However, Buddhism does not encourage burning votive papers, which is both wasteful and pollutes the environment. Therefore, those who go to the ceremony should use a sincere heart and should not try to buy a full tray of offerings or burn too much votive paper, causing waste.

Do not translate the incense bowl: On the full moon day of the first lunar month, families often clean the altar. When doing this, be careful not to move the incense bowl. Before cleaning, light a stick of incense to pray to the Earth God and ancestors to clean the altar to prepare for the Full Moon worship ceremony of the first month.

Do not offer a pig’s head: According to folk beliefs from ancient times to the present, the full moon offering tray of the first month can offer both vegetarian and salty foods. However, if the homeowner sets up an offering tray, remember not to offer the pig’s head. Normally, families still make a Full Moon offering tray in January, quite similar to a Tet offering tray with traditional dishes including chicken, pork, sausage, bamboo shoots, etc. People believe that offering a pig’s head is not good. Well, killing someone on New Year’s Day can affect the whole family’s luck for the year, so it’s best to limit it.

Do not use fake or smuggled money: Vietnamese families often have the habit of placing real money on the altar when making offerings, implying they want to pray for fortune and luck. However, it should be noted that this money must be real money, earned by you. Absolutely do not provide counterfeit money or money of illegal origin, obtained from illegal or unethical behavior.

Burning incense on the full moon day of the first lunar month: Burning incense is a part of rituals and ceremonies to worship gods and ancestors and is a beauty in traditional Vietnamese culture, showing respect to grandparents. Ancestors and ask the Holy Spirit to bless and help the family during this time. But how many incense sticks should be burned on the full moon day of January and other full moon days? On full moon days, homeowners often light 3 incense sticks. Because the three incense sticks have meanings: tam incense (the homeowner’s sincerity), precepts incense (following Buddha’s teachings) and concentration incense (absolutely do not change your mind). 3 sticks of incense: According to Buddhism, it is also called Three Jewels incense. The so-called Three Jewels are Buddha, Dharma, Sangha, in which Dharma is Buddhist scriptures, Sangha is Sangha. Number 3 has many different concepts: it can be the Three Jewels (Buddha – Dharma – Sangha), the Three Realms (Desire Realm, the Form Realm and the Formless Realm), the Three Times (Past – Present – Future), the Three Realms. Truth (Precepts – Concentration – Wisdom).

3 incense sticks can bring good news, protect family members and reduce disasters.

  • The story of filial ladies: The story of Tet Nguyen Tieu – Full moon of the first lunar month
  • Why is the full moon day of the first month called Tet Nguyen Tieu?


This post was last modified on 21/02/2024 21:44

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